Danish Clapping Game

Source: Copenhagen Game Collective

Best played with 2 players to begin with, though you can work up to more

Players stand facing each other. Play progresses rhythmically:

Generally play starts slow, and ramps up in tempo until one player fails to high five when they should have done.

If playing with more than 2 players, the rules are the same but you now have to pay attention to more people. e.g. in a 3 player game players stand in a triangle, and when 2 people move their hands to the same point of the triangle those 2 players high five. When all 3 people move their hands up, all 3 players have to high five (left hand with the player on your left, right hand with the player on your right).


Scottish Posing Game

Source: Clare Brennan

Clare's niece and her friends play a version of this game where, instead of moving hands in one of 3 directions, they strike poses they've created to represent their friends. Otherwise the same rules apply.