LARP Icebreaker
Source: A comment by Stéphane Rigoni on this post on LARP workshops:
"I’m often using this exercice as an icebreaker. It’s easy and works pretty well. It has three parts you will repeat 2-3 times before getting to the next one.
Part one :
- ask people to walk randomly in the room (or any area you are in, not to big nor too small).
- ask them to choose each someone secretly they will have to be as close as possible physically as soon as you clap your hands
- clap your hands !
Repeat 2-3 times. People sticking to each other skin to skin is a good beginning for warming up.
Then, Part Two :
- walking (same as part 1)
- ask them to choose someone they will have to be as far away as possible
- clap !
Repeat 2-3 times. This time this is a bit more physical because they will have to run away and it might take time to find a balanced position taht suits everybody.
Then, Part three :
- walking (same as part 1)
- ask them to select one person they will have to be as close as possible and an other one they will have to be as far away as possible.
- clap !
This the funniest and most physical part because often it’s impossible to find a balanced solution. So people will be chasing and being chased at the same time, often using each other as a human shield and will have to be constantly moving.
Repeat 2-3 times."