A collection of folk games gathered by Niall Moody as part of his Game Design as Play research project at Abertay University.
Today's Game: Aura
List of Games:
- Arglie, Barglie, Warglie
- Aura
- Cat and Mouse
- Chain Tig
- Crambo
- Danish Clapping Game
- Dodge The Chair
- Fives
- Fly Fly
- Grandmother's Footsteps
- Hagoo
- Heads Down Thumbs Up
- How Do You Do?
- I See the Moon in the Spoon
- Kings, Queens, Jacks
- Knots
- Kommando Pinkele
- LARP Icebreaker
- Mime Boxing
- Mr. Hit
- Murder
- Musical Meeting
- Ninja
- Ooh-Aah
- Pass the Beat Around the Room
- Poison
- Race Against Time
- Rainstorm
- Red Handed
- Rhythm Clap
- The Rule of the Game
- Theft & Shrubbery
- Toilet Paper Tug of War
- Turtle Wushu
- Untig
- What's the Time Mr. Wolf?
- Zip Zap Zop
- Zoom